About Us

Welcome & aloha from Orfanatics where every purchase helps support small orphanages in need of supplies!

I am Steve George, founder of Orfanatics.  As an adoptee from Vietnam, I enjoy connecting with other adoptees and families.  I have always felt that growing up in Laramie, Wyoming with a caucasian family has given me a super-power found among many adoptees ~ Empathy to understand and relate to diverse families.

Adoptees are certainly not a monolith and many of us have very different experiences but by simply being adopted, we are rooted together in meaningful and special ways.  My wish is to build an army of supporters who are connected to different parts of the world through the places we are born, the people we meet, and the cultures we love. Let's not forget about the amazing food from all around the world that can bind us further.

Please join me on this journey to help these small orphanages around the world.  I have chosen to focus on smaller run orphanages as many times they are the last refuge from large state orphanages that are overrun and over capacity.  


“We owe our children – the most vulnerable citizens in any society – a life free from violence and fear.”  Nelson Mandela


Want to help?

  • Do you know a small deserving orphanage on our country list that we can donate to?

  • Are you an adoptee, adoptive parent or work in the adoption triad? We would love to connect with you!

  • Are you part of a community that is listed on our country list? We need help getting the word out :)

  • Are you a content creator and can help us spread the word?

  • Do you have a good idea for a shirt design?

Please contact us at: Email: world@orfanatics.com

WhatsAPP / Text: +1 808.425.2115